Get started with Pilates with this quick & easy Complete Beginner’s Pilates Course.

Do you feel a bit intimidated by the thought of joining a local Pilates class? Do you have this vision of not fitting in or not knowing how to do the exercises correctly? Or maybe you tried a class already and felt a bit lost and confused?

I get it! I had no clue what I was supposed to be doing in my first Pilates group class at the gym. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

This Complete Beginner’s Pilates Course was designed with you in mind. I have taught beginner’s Pilates classes for many years and am now offering the course to you to do in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. You can even stay in your comfy pyjamas!

In only a few short sessions you can easily follow along to, you will be familiar with the basic Pilates exercises you would find in any Pilates class, and know how to do them with confidence.

In this Complete Beginner’s Pilates Course, you will find all the basics, and do’s & don’ts in one place. No more randomly clicking through videos on YouTube.

Included in your course are:

  • Easy to follow video tutorials of the basic exercises you will find in any Pilates class
  • Easy to understand short videos on the ABC’s of Pilates which will take your results from your Pilates Sessions to the next level.
  • Access to our closed facebook group where you can connect with me and your fellow students

This course will help you get started with Pilates to gain the confidence to join a local class and get you into the good habit of doing a bit of Pilates at home as part of your self-care to de-stress and cope better in your everyday live.

This course is suitable for healthy women and men aged 16-60.  Should you have any health concerns such as joint or muscular issues, pregnancy or you recently had a baby, please contact me at [email protected] before taking this course. 

Get started with Pilates today.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • I'm curious...

  • 2

    Good to know

    • The ABC's of Pilates - Alignment (The Rib Hip Connection)

    • The ABC's of Pilates - Breathing

    • The ABC's of Pilates - Centring

    • Checking in

  • 3

    Pilates basics

    • Session 1: Supine

    • Session 2: All 4's & Prone

    • Session 3: Side-lying

    • Session 4: Sitting

  • 4

    Complete Session

    • Session 5: Putting it all together

    • Now that you've completed the course...

About the instructor

Pilates Teacher

Katrina Niesitka

Hi! I'm Katrina, your Pilates Teacher at KN Pilates online. I'm thrilled to welcome you to this platform which enables you to do your Pilates sessions in your own time and at your own pace using your phone, tablet, computer or TV. I hope you'll enjoy your Pilates Course. Please get in touch with any questions, feedback or suggestions.