Your Postnatal Pilates Course
Easing your way back into gentle exercise to support your body during your postnatal time.
This Postnatal Pilates Course is designed for new mums who have had the all clear from their doctor at their postnatal check-up that they are ready to start with gentle exercise.
This course includes three progressive programmes with easy to follow exercises. The focus is on strengthening your pelvic floor & core muscles, mobilising all joints and releasing tension.
You are taking part in this course at your own risk and responsibility. Make sure to listen to your body, follow your Health Care Professional's advice and use the material provided as part of this course.
You have "life time" access and you can do the sessions as many times as you wish.
As part of the course, you can contact me should you have any questions or comments, and you'll be invited into our closed fb group where you can connect with the other participants.
Dos & Don'ts
Diastasis Recti Check (6 mins)
Diastasis Recti - Abdominal Separation
The Pelvic Floor Muscles
The Log Roll (40 sec) - how to transition while the core muscles & abs are healing
The Rib-Hip Connection (1 min)
The Neutral Spine and Pelvis
The Posture Check (2 mins)
Working at the correct intensity (4 mins)
Level 1 (18 mins)
Level 2 (19 mins)
Level 3 (37 mins)
The Core & Pelvic Floor (4 mins)
Quick & Easy Upper Body Stretches to ease tension (4 mins)
How to Lift, Carry & Lower correctly for a happy, healthy back (3 mins)
Katrina Niesitka
Thank you for choosing this course! I hope you'll enjoy it :)